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(808) 245-2043 • info@kauaiunitedway.org

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Planned Giving

Help Ensure Kauai’s Social Stability With An Extraordinary, Enduring Gift that Gives Back to You!

People give to Kauai United Way because it’s a convenient way to serve our entire community. Our dedicated volunteers monitor the social service needs of our island to ensure that money goes where it is needed most to provide efficient programs that save lives and help tens of thousands of Kauai people every year, making life on our island better for us all.

Kauai United Way offers people who love Kauai a means to make a huge difference in shaping our community just by giving a few dollars per paycheck. Many are proud to serve our community in this way their whole working lives.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could keep on giving – and bring yourself additional financial resources and provide for your loved ones and give a bigger gift than ever before with a wide-ranging impact that will serve Kauai people in their times of need far into the future?

There are ways you can give an extraordinary, enduring gift that gives back to you!

Too Good to be True?

You mean to say I can make a major gift to benefit the entire Kauai community plus benefit financially myself while still providing for my heirs? It sounds too good to be true. How can that be?

The short answer is “taxes:” by virtue of the beneficent work Kauai United Way does for our community, we are exempted from paying federal and state income tax. In addition, contributions to Kauai United Way are tax deductible by donors. There are several creative ways people can use these facts to their advantage to create a legacy that simultaneously provides for their own family and also generates a big boost to Kauai United Way that will serve our community for many years to come.

Gifts that Give Back to You

There are several ways, especially various forms of Charitable Trusts, that allow you to make a significant contribution to our community via Kauai United Way while retaining, or, even increasing, the income you receive from the assets used to make the gift. You don’t actually turn over title of the asset (like your home) until after you have died.

Each of these gift plans entitle you to a current charitable deduction in the year of the gift and can provide for annuities for yourself and, if desired, another individual for the rest of your lives. Some plans can also help donors avoid heavy capital gains taxes while providing for themselves through the donation of appreciated stock. With some of the cash generated by these plans, donors may choose to purchase life insurance to provide for their heirs at the inheritance levels they wish to set.

For more detailed information about these plans and to design one tailored to your specific interests, see your financial advisor or call Kauai United Way and we will put you in touch with one.

Other Creative Ways to Give

Significant donations can offer tremendous tax benefits to you. Here are some other creative ways to provide for yourself while simultaneously ensuring a significant benefit to our community.

Real Estate – Selling a property you no longer use and donating the proceeds to Kauai United Way gives you an enormous charitable tax deduction, lets you skip capital gains tax and frees you from the costs of maintaining and taxes on your property.

Stock – You can avoid capital gains tax and take a charitable contribution deduction on your income taxes by transferring stock ownership to Kauai United Way.

Other Tangible Property – You receive an income tax charitable deduction for selling jewelry, artwork or other tangible property and donating the proceeds to Kauai United Way.

Life Insurance – By taking out a life insurance policy naming Kauai United Way as the beneficiary, you gain an immediate and annual charitable donation tax deduction while ensuring our community a substantial benefit upon your death.

Bank Accounts and CDs – You can name Kauai United Way as the “payable-on-death beneficiary” on such accounts. By doing so, you have the use of your assets for your whole life. Upon your death, they pass simply and directly to Kauai United Way, avoiding probate, where they will be put to good work on behalf of our community.

Pu`uhonua O Kauai Social Safety Net Fund

Extraordinary gifts outside the scope of our Annual Campaign, which supports the operational requirements of about two dozen, vital Kauai social service organizations, are incorporated into the Pu`uhonua O Kauai Social Safety Net Fund. This fund was established in 2004 as a means to provide for our community rapidly, when the need is greatest, in the aftermath of an island-wide emergency. The inspirations for this fund were 1992’s Hurricane Iniki and the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on our country. Hurricane Iniki, which devastated our island, reminded us that disaster can strike at any time. Kauai United Way was an integral part of the post-Iniki recovery effort. If we had had emergency funds of our own available at that time, however, it would have made our work far more effective and immediate. September 11 taught us that a major disaster occurring remotely can have dramatic effects right here on Kauai. Hundreds of Kauai families were suddenly on the verge of homelessness as a result of the tourist drought immediately following the terrorist attacks. Kauai United Way led a coalition to secure funds to help from the State government and private foundations, but we could have sped aid to those in need if Pu`uhonua O Kauai had been available. Your gift will help this vital fund grow increasing Kauai’s security in anticipation of Kauai’s next emergency.

Unless a donor specifies that they want their planned gift to go toward our Annual Campaign, it will be added to the Pu`uhonua O Kauai Social Safety Net fund to help keep Kauai social service organizations operational in some future emergency.

Next Step

Intrigued? Talk with your financial advisor. Tell him or her that you want to help Kauai United Way serve our community with an estate gift that also provides for your specific financial needs and those of your loved ones. Your financial advisor will work with you to design a plan customized to your special needs and desires. If you like, we can set up an appointment for you with a financial advisor. Just call Kauai United Way at 245-2043. You can also find related helpful information on the Internet at vanguardcharitable.org, an independent website devoted to providing information on planned giving.

Mahalo for Caring About Kauai

Thank you for caring enough about the people and future of the island we love to consider one of these creative means to make an extraordinary, enduring impact. If you have questions, please call Executive Director Scott Giarman at 245-2043 or your financial advisor.


Kauai United Way does not offer financial, tax or legal advice. The purpose of this section of our website is to provide general information only. Individual needs and opportunities vary from person to person. Professional advice from an attorney, financial and/or tax professional should be sought when considering these types of gifts.