How to Contribute
98% of all dollars raised on our island, stays on our island!
Your tax deductible donations are invested in specific programs, offered by local organizations with excellent track records of service that produce results.
Kauai United Way provides a number of valuable services for our donors. In order to accomplish what a simple, payroll-deducted pledge of a few dollars to Kauai United Way does, a concerned citizen would have to examine the island’s social service needs annually, figure out which agencies do the best job meeting them, decide how to divide up the few dollars they wish to donate every month, write numerous checks in amounts varying from agency to agency, and monitor them to make sure their money is actually going where they intended. The service provided by Kauai United Way does all this, making it easy for you to help out our whole community!
One donation helps the entire community
Kauai United Way volunteer community leaders carefully direct donations to where they will do the most good for our whole community. Many respected, well-known Kauai social service groups receive Kauai United Way funding which allows them to devote more time to the programs they are chartered to provide. In addition, however, our volunteers’ research makes them aware of worthy social service organizations which may not be well-known but whose services are invaluable to Kauai.
Agency evaluation and monitoring
The island’s social service needs are re-evaluated annually, ensuring that donations continue to reach programs which provide meaningful services that improve the standard of living for the entire community. Agencies are monitored throughout the year to make sure that programs continue to be administered efficiently.
Donate Online
98% of all dollars raised on our island, stays on our island! Your tax deductible donations are invested in specific programs, offered by local organizations with excellent track records of service that produce results.
Click Here
Complete A Pledge Form
You can be assured that your hard-earned contribution will be used efficiently and directed where it will do the most good for our entire community.
Click Here
Payroll Deduction
Many employers make it easy to contribute via payroll deduction. A few dollars per paycheck, that you probably won’t miss, add up to make a big difference for our agencies’ community work. You can charge your contribution. If you prefer, we can send you periodic payment reminders, or, of course, you can make a one-time gift.
How much should I contribute?
Some people consider 1% of each paycheck to be a ‘fair share’. The answer for you, however, is as much or as little as you are comfortable with. The important thing is to demonstrate your commitment to Kauai’s future with a donation you feel good about!
What if I already give to one of your agencies?
Good for you! You should give directly to agencies with which you have special relationships and also give to Kauai United Way and multiply your gift 24 times to serve our entire community! You can also designate your gift to specific agencies.